terça-feira, fevereiro 09, 2010

Na próxima quinta-feira, às 21:30, no Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, estes são os convidados dos Diálogos com a Ciência.

Tema: Poesia e Ciência (II)

Oradores: Alice Macedo Campos, Gabriela Rocha Martins, Nuno Júdice e Vitor Oliveira Jorge

A entrada é livre!


8 comentários:

Mar Arável disse...

E o Porto aqui tão longe

Manuel Veiga disse...

pois é - gostava...

as velas ardem ate ao fim disse...

Porto aqui tão longe!Cidade que amo.

bjo B

Haddock disse...

o que não se inventa para tornar a poesia minimamente interessante...

apanhei por aí este espécime:

A GENETIC ODE (or A Melan Coli Tale)

used to be a coli, as wild as wild could be. They called me Proto Trophic, whatever that would be. They kept me pure and simple and completely free from faults And fed me on the simplest food...glucose and common salts. Then Lederberg and Tatum came and put me in the sun And watched me very closely to see what harm they'd done. Although they hadn't killed me, they had really hurt my pride And though I looked quite normal I was quite upset inside. Next day they tried to feed me with my normal sort of food But they found I couldn't use it in the way I always could.


Haddock disse...


Glucose I could metabolize-in that I was proficient. But in synthesizing valine they soon found I was deficient. They couldn't find their valine so they went to biotin And till they thought just what to do they kept me dietin'. Then foresight and discernment made this lecturer and Prof. Enrich my food with Oxa cube and call me Oxo Troph. They called another doctor and they all discussed my case. And decided that my DNA must have displaced a base. They all seemed quite excited and I heard Doc Tatum say, Another dose of sunshine might upset more DNA. They gave me 80 seconds of the brightest light I'd seen, And I knew a UV photon had displaced another gene. I remember seeing Lederberg- eyes gleaming through his specs Excitedly tell Tatum that I'd now acquired a sex.


Haddock disse...


Then Lederberg asked Tatum if he could foretell my fate And Tatum thought my only hope was to acquire a mate. So they gave me you, dear Effplus, knowing you alone could right The little bits of DNA that suffered in that light. There's just two things I ask you if you really care for me One little gene for valine- one for fertility. Your genotype's just perfect to revitalize my strain And I know you will co-operate to make me wild again. Be warned O Human Beings by this melan coli ode You who think you are so clever cracking our genetic code. There's a moral in this story- I will tell you what it means: IF YOU STRIP TOO MUCH TO SUNBATHE, YOU MAY LOSE A PAIR OF JEANS.

Donald Nicholson

Anónimo disse...

querida maria, só vi este seu destaque, que muito lhe agradeço. a conferência correu, porque estavam lá a gabriela rocha martins, o professor nuno júdice e o professor oliveira jorge. a minha prestação podia ter corrido melhor, mas foi uma oportunidade que muito me honrou. espero conseguir fazer melhor para a próxima. obrigada uma vez mais! um grande beijinho*

rosa disse...


haddock, deixais-me deveras preocupada.

perplexa, corrijo.